All About Squirrel Canyon..

Squirrel Canyon is a little-known, unpublicized bit of land north of Greensburg, PA. Not exactly a canyon, it is a tribute to one of the most regal, impressive animals on earth, the squirrel.

Welcome! Look on this site for:
The Actors
Other Carvings
Squirrel Facts and Fun

...the saga begins harmlessly enough...

It all started off quite simply, with the building of a sturdy back-yard enclosure for the family four-legger, Bandit (now in charge of security and well-being of his furry-tailed accomplices). Each fence post consisted of a 4X4 (for those uninitiated to the plot to sell us less wood for the same "nominal" dimension, that's a 3.5" x 3.5" post).

When we put up the fence, the neighborhood squirrels decided they owned it. And since we needed something to top off the posts, what more fitting than a carved squirrel?

What? did I say "A" squirrel? Just so happens, there are, last count, 23 posts. And each carving takes about 30 hours. That means there will be a lot of shavings laying around, and this could take several years (I do have a real job!)

So now what do we do? Can't just carve a bunch of squirrels (boring!) so we created a world where squirrels, instead of primates, were the dominant species and predecessors of todays world (sort of squirrelo sapiens - please accept my apology, you anthropologists out there). Now our imagination can expand!

So we came up with a list of furry rodentia we intend to enshrine forever in cellulose. The list is ongoing, probably won't stop until they pry my "cold, dead hands" from around my 15mm #1 gouge, and is as follows: